our sacred medicine allies


We believe in the innate healing powers of nature and practice the art of healing using powerful plant allies. These substances are our Holy Sacraments, and as citizens of the United States of America, we retain the right to utilize plant medicines to heal our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies. They are primary rites for connecting and communing with the Divine Creator and catalyzing deep inner healing. By doing so, we can fully embody our highest potential and significantly contribute to the world. The Children of Life have communed with Sacramental Substances as teachers and way-showers since time immemorial, each with their own consciousness and awareness that has always supported humanity’s evolution. 

Azuléa uses Sacraments and the consumption of Sacramental Substances for the sole purpose of healing and integration so that our community members can balance their physical and energetic bodies. Since connection with the Divine Creator is regenerated and strengthened through the Sacraments, they are essential for enabling and empowering the life of the Azuléa community. The Sacraments also initiate the crucial experience of direct communion with the Divine Creator. The entheogenic experience allows participants to encounter beings, forces, and/or realms outside the physical reality. Direct experience of the Divine equips participants with highly individualized answers to fundamental questions about life, such as morality, one’s purpose or place in the world, and understanding of the nature of reality.